The city of Thessaloniki is characterized by its relation with the sea and the forest. A concrete, almost solid surface is being developed between those two natural borders. However, the natural flow of the water from the higher altitudes formed streams that cross vertically the urban tissue. Unfortunately these green veins, are inadequately utilized, and often end up as parking lots or even dumpsters with neglected vegetation.
The case study of this studio is a stream located near the city center. The loose boundaries leave the left space vulnerable to urban sprawl. The main goal is to consolidate this relation and protect the left green area, in order to form a viable urban space for the citizens.
The concept of the design is characterized by fluidity in two directions. The first direction is a fluidity in the movement. The stream has a special topography, with strong inclinations towards the northern part and more gentle in the southern part. As a result, any routes and hard surfaces follow the contours of the ground, allowing a minimum intervention, connecting at the same time major points of entrance, in direct relation with the surrounding built environment.
The second aspect is about fluidity between the hard and soft surfaces, as differently shaped stripes and gaps, give an impression of gradual transition, merging naturally the built and unbuilt environment.
Another important aspect for an urban space is to have special characteristics that become its identity. As a result, this space is transformed into something special and an attraction for users not only to its close vicinity. A natural habitat is often characterized by its smell. In a city environment the smell of trees and flowers is something tending to be obsolete, and due to this reason we chose to enhance this element. The sense of smell is one of the strongest, as it has the ability to transfer us mentally and even emotionally to past memories. We choose a variety of trees and bushes, with different characteristics in smell and color, giving an altering effect throughout the year.
Fluidity again is a major aspect that drives the design of this space, as the built environment merges naturally with the natural element while a continuously altering sensory effect, acts as a reminder to the relation of the man and the natural habitat.